ocr: FUZZY LOGIC RS Fuzzy TOOLBOX SIMULINK Inf ference Syst tem THE FUZZY: LOGIC TOOL Non Reai- BOX extends the MATLAB User-written 4 Time Code cechnical computing EnVi- the Fuzzy Standalone Engine M-riles REAL-TIME ronmant co support WORKSHOP design of Fuzzy logic- Other toolboxes Real-lime based: systems. 5 comple- ments the Sdvanced con- Code troi, signal processing, and nodsling techn.ques availsple in MATLAS snd the MATLAB Toolboxss, MATLAB Target Wich the addition of SIMULNK and the Keal- Hardware TIme Workshop, the Fuzzy Logle Toollox offers an open systsm for simuls- sion, and code generati ...